Don Draper is great at a lot of things. Advertising, womanizing, and drinking being some of them, but is he a good father? Throughout the series, Don has three children, and while he isn’t always with them due to the fact he and Betty get divorced, they are obviously major parts of his life. It is Sally Draper who pops up the most throughout Mad Men and she is the child that Don spends the most time with. However, he obviously does spend time with both of his sons as well.

Don is naturally very driven and very focused on his work and his love life, which doesn’t leave too much room for parenting. However, he does find time to be both a great and terrible father throughout the show, but which one is he? Hopefully, these 10 examples of his parenting will help you decide.

Good Dad: Buying A Puppy

How can you call someone a bad father when he brings home a surprise puppy for his daughter’s birthday? During the episode ‘Marriage Of Figaro,’ Don surprises Sally for her birthday by bringing her home a puppy after her party is finished with.

Obviously, Sally and her brother, Bobby as over the moon with the gift. After all, who doesn’t love having a dog? While Betty was never asked, and clearly is a little cross about the whole situation, it does show Don to be a good parent who is trying to provide for the family.

Bad Dad: Why He Bought A Puppy

Remember how we questioned calling Don a bad father for getting a puppy? Well, we are questioning it. See, while Sally saw the amazement of getting a puppy and was instantly happy, the reason he got it the animal proves that he is a terrible father.

All Don was asked to do was drive out and pick up a birthday cake. However, due to having some existential crisis, Don ends up getting drunk behind the wheel, missing the entire party. He then picks up a dog, seemingly out of guilt that he has been a terrible father to make up for that fact. While Sally doesn’t see through it, everybody else did.

Good Dad: Setting Them Up With Money

Later in the series, Don Draper sets up bank accounts for each of his children, putting some of his huge wealth aside for them all. Despite being encouraged to make them wait until they’re 18, he opts to have it open to them immediately, as well as their mother, Betty.

Granted, the reason he does this is that he thinks he is about to be caught by the government in regards to his true identity, but he still does it. Providing a financial future for his kids is the least he should do, but considering how rich Don is, it’s certainly great of him to do so.

Bad Dad: Brushing Them Off

He might provide his children with money, but he certainly doesn’t shower them with time. Throughout Mad Men, he often brushes his children off whenever they are around to do better things, most of which tend to involve work. You would think as the series develops and he only sees them on weekends, he might improve but that isn’t the case.

Whenever he is meant to be spending time with them, Don quite often brushes them off for someone else to look after. Whether that be a babysitter, a work colleague, or Megan, he simply doesn’t seem to enjoy actually spending time with his children.

Good Dad: Discipline

This might not seem like something that should be praised, but during that time period, it was commonplace for parents to strike their children. It might be deemed unacceptable today, but throughout the show, it is highlighted, with Betty slapping the Draper children a few times throughout.

However, that is one thing that Don Draper absolutely refuses to do. Perhaps he was a little ahead of the curve on this one, and he certainly does deserve praise for it. The fact that he is able to restrain himself and have the discipline to never hit his children is certainly commendable.

Bad Dad: Forgetting To Pick Them Up

Earlier we mentioned how Don doesn’t like spending time with his children, and that is shown again here. When Don wins a Clio award, he ends up going on a major, weekend-long celebration. This involves a lot of drinking and sleeping with several women.

However, his hangover gets a rude awakening when Betty phones him on the Sunday, questioning where he is. It was Don’s turn with the children and he opts to not pick them up, leaving them with their mother as he pretends to be sick in order to not look as bad.

Good Dad: The Beatles

During the time that Mad Men is set, The Beatles were all the rage as one of the most popular musical acts in the world. Getting tickets to see them during a tour of America was almost impossible, but during season four of the show, Don manages to get them for him and Sally.

While it is only Don using tickets that Harry Crane actually gets, it is the gesture that shows he is a great dad. There aren’t many moments where we get to see Don actually treat his children, and even though he only takes Sally, her excitement about getting the tickets is clear to see as she screams down the phone.

Bad Dad: Running Away

The show’s ending for Don Draper doesn’t make him out to be a great father. With his ex-wife and mother of his children dying of lung cancer, this would have been the time to really step up and be a true dad, looking after them all when she has gone.

However, he ends up running away seemingly hitting the reset button on his life. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that Sally is set to take her mother’s role and lead the family herself. Telling Don he is a disappointment and making it clear she doesn’t want to live with him, their ending seems to be very final, as sad as that is.

Good Dad: The Train Escape

During the episode, ‘The Beautiful Girls’ in season four, Sally Draper actually runs away from her mother and escapes on the train. After being allowed to walk home from her therapist, Sally jumps on the train and tries to ride her way to Don due to wanting to live with her.

While Don is obviously mad that she did it due to the risk involved, he remains relatively calm and relaxed during the process. Instead of losing his rag with her and screaming at her, he stays calm, gets her a pizza and makes sure she knows that it isn’t acceptable to ever do again.

Bad Dad: Catching Him In The Act

Out of everything Don Draper does, the absolute worst is when he subjects Sally to seeing him cheat on his wife. Everyone knows Don is a womanizer, but his innocent daughter clearly doesn’t want to believe that, until she sees him sleeping with Sylvia while he is married to Megan.

It is a heartbreaking moment for both of them as they realise what has happened, and their relationship never recovers from this point. Don doesn’t ever sit down and properly discuss things with Sally, and instead, they become bitter and frustrated, with Don clearly scarring her for life.