Season 1 of The Mandalorian gets a couple of brand new, classic, Western-style movie posters. The highly anticipated series marked Star Wars’ long-awaited debut in live-action TV, premiering on Disney+ the day that it launched. The series is set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens and centers on the titular bounty hunter, played by Pedro Pascal, as he ventures through the seedy galactic underworld. Along the way, he chooses to protect a small child of Yoda’s species that he was initially hired to find. The aforementioned child, who was quickly renamed Baby Yoda by the fans, garnered massive amounts of attention as well after the show premiered, becoming a fantastic source for memes, artwork, and plenty of merchandise.

The show was quick to find its audience and skyrocketed in popularity amongst both fans and critics. It has been praised for its storytelling, set design, and action-sequences, along with how it opens up the Star Wars universe and introduces new and interesting characters to viewers. Not to mention, both fans and critics have loved how The Mandalorian calls back to Spaghetti Westerns and Samurai films, paying homage to classics from the likes of Clint Eastwood and Akira Kurosawa. Now, one artist has given the TV series some posters to match that Western tone.

Artist Mike Sapienza designed two posters for The Mandalorian that mirror classic Spaghetti Western movie posters from the past. The color and design choices in both posters are simple, yet eye-catching. The orange poster shows off the Mandalorian in action, whereas the green poster has the bounty hunter front and center with his adorable companion, Baby Yoda, right there with him. Check out both posters below.

The Mandalorian isn’t the first piece of entertainment to conjure up classic Western-style art from this year either. Quentin Tarantino’s film Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood also released Spaghetti Western-style posters that featured Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Rick Dalton, front and center. Although the posters reflected Rick Dalton’s films from the past instead of being directly made for Tarantino’s new film, they were still an excellent and fun piece of marketing. Similar to The Mandalorian, they were a perfect fit for the film’s setting and characters. Just like how these Mandalorian posters capture the look, tone, and important characters within the show.

Sapienza’s posters not only capture the Western feel of The Mandalorian but also add some creative flair to the show’s array of artwork. Considering the series is darker in tone and Disney’s maintained that in their marketing, these posters add a burst of color that still captures the Spaghetti Western homages within the show. Many posters for both movies and television nowadays feature similar designs. It’s rare to find ones that are so unique and really stand out from the crowd. The artistry in these posters shows that The Mandalorian is truly one of a kind in the Star Wars universe and, since season 2 is already in the works, more incredible artwork like this is sure to appear over time.

Next: What To Expect From The Mandalorian Season 2

Source: Mike Sapienza