As it did last year, Apple is celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day by using its homepage to display a full-page photo and another equally timely quote.

The quote is from a letter King wrote while incarcerated in the Birmingham city jail …

Tim Cook also tweeted another MLK quote.

On #MLKDay, let us remember our own duty to do good. As King said: “In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.”

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) January 21, 2019

Last year, the quote Apple chose was from a commencement address King gave for Oberlin College in 1965.

In it, King argued that the greatest danger may be not in the evil actions of the few, but rather the apathy of the many.

Apple is also highlighting ‘MLK: In His Own Words’ on the App Store.

Finally, Apple suggests four apps that can help people honor MLK by getting involved in their local community, a couple of which require explanation:

  • Golden Volunteer Opportunities
  • Eventbrite (because it has a Charities & Causes section)
  • Airbnb (because it has a Social Impact section)
  • GoFundMe

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the U.S. which marks the birthday of the civil rights leader. King, who advocated non-violent opposition to racial discrimination, is best known for his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech which has gone down in history as one of the most inspiring and impactful speeches of all time.

The holiday was signed into law in 1983 and first observed in 1986, but opposition in some states meant that it was only officially observed across the country from 2000.