The latest set photos from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier reveals U.S. Agent dressed up as Captain America, complete with a shield. John Walker (Wyatt Russell) as the next Star Spangled Avenger is a clever decision for the series, but ultimately, he’s the wrong person for the job.

Marvel Studios is broadening the MCU’s horizon by producing multiple TV shows for Disney+. Unlike the Marvel TV projects, audiences can expect full narrative connectivity between the films and these upcoming small screen offerings, as teased by studio chief Kevin Feige.

The studio’s inaugural show, created by Malcolm Spellman, teams up Steve Rogers’ (Chris Evans) best buds, Sam (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky (Sebastian Stan) for their own adventure. Set after the events of Avengers: Endgame, it’ll also feature Emily VanCamp’s Sharon Carter and Daniel Brühl’s villainous Baron Zemo. Plot specifics are still scant at the moment, but writer Derek Kolstad teases that the series will explore the complexities of Sam being Steve’s personal choice to wield the iconic shield and effectively take on his mantle as Captain America.

US Agent Is The MCU’s Captain America Replacement

Production for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has been in full swing in Atlanta, Georgia, for quite a while now. Marvel Studios has been measured when it comes to talking about narrative details for the series, but photos from the set have made their way online, giving fans an idea on what they can expect from the project. The latest of which is arguably the most revealing thus far as it gives fans their first look at Walker’s character. We see him decked out in his military clothes, and based on the abundance of ribbons pinned on his uniform, it’s safe to say that he’s a decorated officer. The same batch of shots also revealed him in a Captain America suit and happily holding the same shield that Steve handed to Sam at the end of Endgame.

Debuting in 1986 in the pages of Captain America #323 as villain Super Patriot, the character was created as a contrast to Captain America’s core message of good patriotism. He eventually assumed the Captain America mantle in the comics, which could be the primary narrative source for his arc in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Marvel Studios is known to stick to the broad strokes when it comes to adapting print characters on their projects, but they also don’t shy away from updating origin stories, so we can expect some changes to Wyatt’s Walker compared to his comic book counterpart.

Why It’s Smart To Use US Agent Instead Of Falcon

Walker wearing his version of Captain America suit and holding the shield backs up rumors that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will deal with the government opposing Sam as the new Captain America. As Steve’s superhero persona was created through the Super Soldier Program, it makes sense that they want to have a say in the matter regarding who the next Captain America would be. Considering that Walker seems to be a successful military man who has an impressive resume under his belt, choosing him as the next wielder of the shield appears to be a great decision for the organization, at least PR-wise.

Given the state of the MCU during the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, governments around the world are still rebuilding their organizations from the aftermath of Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) snap in Avengers: Infinity War and its reversal in Endgame. With such a volatile situation, having someone that’s been internally handpicked is a safe way to make sure that they have a hold of the situation wherein superheroes like Captain America are involved. Looking at the images, U.S. Agents’ get-up isn’t too different from Steve’s suits, meaning that they want someone who’s reminiscent of the old hero, perhaps to take advantage of the good will he’s had during his active days.

From a storytelling point of view, this allows Marvel Studios to introduce a comic book character who has an interesting personal arc. Whether or not the MCU will stick to his print journey remains to be seen, but if Walker initially debuts as a villain, there’s precedence in the franchise for bad- guys-turn-good key players. So, it’s not outside the realm of plausibility to see him become an ally. In addition to that, the arrival of Walker’s Captain America poses a hurdle for Sam in officially assuming his rightful place as the wielder of the iconic shield. This might be perceived as a negative thing, but this effectively gives the Sam his own story - the chance to earn the shield, and reject the notion that it was simply handed to him. Seeing him go through his own hero’s journey as he proves himself worthy of the Captain America mantle would better establish him as one of the new faces of the MCU. This way, fans are given the opportunity to fully get behind him the same way they were invested in Steve’s story as the Star Spangled Avenger.

Falcon Should Still Be The Next Captain America

It’s uncertain why the government meddled with choosing the next Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The reason can be rooted in race, which would be an interesting angle to tackle in the MCU post-Black Panther. It’s not a coincidence that the government’s handpicked Captain America heir resembles Steve - tall, white, and blond, essentially, someone who cannot look any more different than Sam. This could illustrate their failure to acknowledge that the most important qualification to be the bearer of the shield is be a good man. It’s Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) reminder to Steve prior to receiving the Super Soldier serum in Captain America: The First Avenger, and an inherent quality he saw in Sam that prompted his decision to choose him as the next Captain America.

There’s also the lingering issue of the Sokovia Accords. In Infinity War, it appears that General Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt) was still bent on reprimanding those who refused to sign it, and due Thanos’ arrival and subsequent win, the matter has never been discussed again. However, with the government rebuilding, there’s a chance that they’d revisit the issue and choose to still reinforce the agreement. All that being said, considering that Sam was one of the heroes who bravely risked their lives to defend Earth against Thanos and his minions, it’s quite unsettling that the government would still want to reprimand him for refusing to sign the Sokovia Accords.

Finally, there’s a reason why Steve had the urgency to choose his heir apparent before retiring from active duty. Having held the mantle for decades and fought his fair share of adversaries, he knew that there are people out there who would want to wield it, but perhaps not understanding the massive responsibility that comes with it. He chose Sam for a reason - they personally knew each other, so Steve knows that he has what it takes to become the next Captain America. Considering how devoted Steve was to his country (and humanity, in general), the least the government can do to honor his service is respect his decision to hand Sam the shield.


It’s safe to assume that at the end of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Captain America’s shield will be returned to Sam, who is its rightful owner. That said, just because we might have an idea on how things will pan out, it doesn’t mean that the series won’t be interesting anymore. Aside from the Captain America heir debacle, there’s also Bucky’s arc in the show, which is something we know little to nothing about.

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