Sony has officially delayed its live-action Masters of the Universe movie reboot to 2020. The studio’s been trying to get a new big screen version of He-Man’s adventures off the ground and running since they landed the film rights in 2009, but with little to show for their efforts so far. However, that may finally be changing, now that directors Aaron and Adam Nee (Band of Robbers) are gearing up to start shooting Masters of the Universe this summer, with To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before heartthrob Noah Centineo starring as Prince Adam himself.

With a fresh script draft by Matt Holloway and Art Marcum (Iron Man, Men in Black International) in place, the Masters of the Universe reboot seems more likely than ever to actually make it into production, this time around. Of course, it’s also been obvious for some time that the film wouldn’t be able to keep the December 2019 release date that Sony’s been hanging onto since April 2017. Sure enough, the studio has gone ahead and officially moved the project back, with just a few months to go before shooting gets underway in Prague.

Masters of the Universe is now scheduled to arrive sometime in 2020, per Sony’s announcement. As mentioned, though, it’s been clear for a while now that the film would eventually have to abandon its December launch date. After all, if it hadn’t, it would’ve had to open at the box office a mere five days after Jumanji 3 (another Sony tentpole) hits theaters, and just two days before Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker arrives on the scene.

Assuming that Masters of the Universe sticks to its reported July production start date, it presumably won’t hit theaters until Summer 2020, at the earliest. At the moment, Sony doesn’t have any major releases scheduled for either June or August of next year, so either of those months are possibilities for the live action He-Man adventure. The latter month would arguably make more sense though, given that Masters of the Universe is far from a sure thing at the box office. Competition is traditionally weaker in August, even though overall theater attendance is up, like the rest of the summer season. That makes it a good time for something as questionable as a modern He-Man movie to make its way to the big screen.

That being said: Masters of the Universe is in pretty decent shape, as far as the film’s potential quality is concerned. It’s currently being directed by a pair of promising up and comers (the Nee Brothers) from a script by two writers who have a long history, when it comes to working on lucrative franchise fare. Similarly, Centineo should only be a bigger name by the time the tentpole arrives, thanks to his recent role in Netflix’s rom-com The Perfect Date and his upcoming turns in Charlie’s Angels and, of course, To All the Boys 2. Whether that’ll be enough to ensure that Masters of the Universe has the (box office) power, however, is another matter.

Source: Sony