Some of the most quintessential romantic comedy love interests have the ENFP personality type. This is due to the fact that these campaigners are incredibly charismatic, bubbly, and all-around captivating individuals. It’s hard not to fall in love with an ENFP, considering how friendly and full of life these people are. When it comes to romance, this MBTI seems to have more passion than all 16 types combined, so it’s no wonder there are so many ENFP rom-com characters. With that being said, here are 10 romantic comedy characters who represent all the classic ENFP traits!


Summer, played by Zooey Deschanel, gives off serious ENFP vibes in 500 Days of Summer. Tom falls for Summer because he sees her as the Manic Pixie Dream Girl character that he has been spending his whole life searching for. He idealizes Summer and makes her out to be something that she’s not because of his rose-tinted glasses. ENFPs are wildly spontaneous, charming, and friendly. Their bubbly personas draw in their love interests and their unconventional ways cause their romantic partners to become instantly hooked. ENFPs are always coloring up worlds, and because of this, people easily fall for them.


Holly Golightly is one of the many classic examples of ENFPs in cinema. Like most ENFPs, Ms. Golightly has a burning desire to experience all that life can possibly offer her. She wants to travel the entire world and see it all. Holly wants to get a taste for all the feelings and emotions that she can, which is why she goes from one lover to the next in a matter of days.

The idea of being tied down to a conventional lifestyle is terrifying for most people with this personality type, and they would rather live a life of unpredictability and adventure than experience the same old thing just because it’s what society demands upon them.


Jenna Rink from 13 Going On 30 seems to exhibit tons of traits that are reminiscent of an ENFP personality type. She is silly, playful, and knows how to have fun. People with this MBTI tend to be the life of the party because they love to make people feel comfortable and happy. This is evident when Jenna brings her work party to life by blasting “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. People can’t help but appreciate the ENFP’s sense of childish wonder that never seems to die down, even into adulthood.


Harry Burns from When Harry Met Sally seems to have many traits of an ENFP. He is intelligent, incredibly witty, and very charming in his own unique sort of way. He befriends Sally and is able to help her loosen up a little bit in an effort to make life more exciting and enjoyable for her.

He loves sharing his beliefs with Sally, and they are always discussing theories and ideas rather than simple mundane topics. His actions and his unconventional way of thinking lead us to believe he is an ENFP.


Carrie Bradshaw is one of the most unique characters in the history of television. She is filled with wisdom and poise, yet she often slips up and makes mistakes. Many people will label Ms. Bradshaw is the first female anti-hero on TV, yet the fact that she is so far from perfect makes her all the more enjoyable to watch. She is unafraid to be herself, always dressing in quirky clothes that some people may find unpractical or silly, yet she finds fabulous. Also, like most ENFPs, she lives for love. All she wants at the end of the day is to find the best partner for her who will make her feel the most passion and joy that there is to be felt.


Sam, played by the lovable Natalie Portman, has a lot of qualities that remind us of an ENFP. She isn’t afraid at all about how she comes across to others, even if her behavior is deemed as childish or inappropriate. Her spontaneous free-spirited behavior seems very much like that of an ENFP who tends to leap before they think. They prefer living life this way because it ultimately makes things a whole lot more exciting.


ENFPs are in love with the idea of love. It’s something that most people with this personality type strive for their entire lives, and they can’t seem to wait for the day when they finally meet that special someone. Sometimes ENFPs can be so blinded by love that they don’t seem to realize when a person is not right for them.

This is the case for Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer, a man who is so passionate about romance that he has built his entire career around it. Seems like the ultimate ENFP move.


Sophie, played by Drew Barrymore, exhibits a lot of ENFP traits. Her character originally starts off as a former rockstar’s plant lady. As she is watering his plants, she comes up with lyrics for a song that he is trying to write. She instantly becomes his co-worker as they join forces to write the perfect song together. Her quirky persona, as well as her gifted artistic abilities, lead us to believe she is an ENFP.


Donna from Obvious Child seems to be a member of the “campaigner” tribe. This comes as no surprise, considering the actress who plays her is widely considered to be an ENFP personality type. Her character is friendly, charming, and able to find humor in the most difficult situations imaginable. Her deep desire to leave an artistic mark on the world makes us see her as a campaigner.


Who doesn’t love a good old Disney version of a romantic-comedy? Rapunzel has a lot of common characteristics of an ENFP personality type, being that she is friendly, adventurous, and extremely bubbly. Like most ENFPs, she finds herself getting easily bored, but luckily she is creative enough to find entertainment with self-made hobbies that can only be done by people with locks as long as hers. At the end of the day, her ENFP characteristics are what make her so lovable to all those around her.