Marriage might be fodder for truly poor comedy (saying the husband is “whipped” or isn’t allowed to have a life anymore) but when this subject is treated well, it can be both moving and hilarious. That’s the case with the ’90s sitcom Mad About You.

Running for seven seasons from 1992 until 1999, the TV series is finally all available on DVD after some of the later seasons saw some delays. At the core of any good comedy are the characters, and Mad About You has some people who fans always remember fondly. Here are the Myers-Briggs Personality® Types of Mad About You characters.

Maggie Conway: ISTJ

Paul and Jamie have British neighbors in their apartment building who are the total opposite of them: a stiff, formal couple who don’t get Paul and Jamie’s casual manner or sense of humor. In the first season episode “Neighbors From Hell,” Jamie and Paul want to be pals with Maggie Conway (Judy Geeson) and her husband. Of course, they’re so different that it doesn’t work out well.

Maggie’s MBTI would be ISTJ or “Responsible Realist.” She’s “detached” in her interactions with her neighbors and seems like someone who “respects facts.” She also seems “duty bound.” Even though it’s too bad that she can’t see how amazing Paul and Jamie are, it does make for some humourous moments (like when their dogs fall in love).

Burt Buchman: Also ISTJ

Burt Buchman (the late Louis Zorich) is Paul’s father. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t realize how funny he is. He loves to say, “It’s me, Burt! Burt Buchman–your father!” when he’s at Paul and Jamie’s place.

Burt has a shop that sells sports equipment and he’s a family man who seems conservative and traditional. His MBTI would be also ISTJ or “Responsible Realist.” He’s “dependable” and “calm.” He’s also “loyal” since he would love nothing more than for his shop to remain within the family.

Fran Devanow: ENTJ

Fran (Leila Kenzle) and Jamie are good friends, and Fran is an absolutely hilarious addition to the Mad About You cast. She’s a former career woman who is now a stay-at-home mother to her son Ryan. She and her husband, Mark (Richard Kind) have some problems and break up for a while.

Fran sounds like an ENTJ or “Decisive Strategist.” ENTJs “like to organize people and resources efficiently in order to accomplish long-term goals” which is how she is a mom and wife. Fran is kind of an intense person, and even though she’s supposed to be enjoying her family life, she’s neurotic and upset a lot of the time. She’s “tough” and a “planner,” like when she leaves her job for a different kind of schedule and lifestyle.

 Dr. Mark Devanow: INFP

Mark’s Mad About You character is definitely an INFP or “Thoughtful Idealist.” He doesn’t like the way that his life has ended up so he works hard on making some changes. Instead of being a doctor, he gets a job at a supermarket. Everything that he does is played for laughs since this is a sitcom, but it’s pretty tragic that it’s his choice to get divorced and he becomes a totally different person than who Fran married. He even wants to be a Buddist.

Mark is “critical” and isn’t a fan of “routine” after he starts choosing to change his whole lifestyle. In one funny scene, Paul asks who’s looking at Surfer’s Digest and Mark says not only he is reading it, but he can totally relate to it.

Lisa Stemple: ESFJ

Anne Ramsay played Lisa Stemple, Jamie’s sister. She’s an incredibly quirky person who really doesn’t seem to function very well in everyday life.

She would be an ESFJ or “Supportive Contributor.” She’s “sociable and outgoing” and while she doesn’t have a great work ethic or plans for her future, she’s kind and friendly. She’s “loyal” and “sympathetic” and a really wonderful sister to Jamie. She’s often part of quirky plotlines, like when her therapist writes about her in a book or when she ends up with Jamie’s bag.

Ursula Buffay: ENFP

Lisa Kudrow appeared on Mad About You as Ursula Buffay, a waitress at the pub that Jamie and Paul frequently go to. Yup, she’s the same Ursula from Friends, aka Phoebe’s twin sister.

She’s not a good waitress and always gets the orders wrong, which is funny on the show but, of course, would mean that you just wouldn’t go to that pub in real life. She has a quirky energy about her, which would make her MBTI ENFP or “Imaginative Motivator.” She’s “lively” and friendly." Even though she gets orders wrong and isn’t great at what she does, she’s charming and you can’t help but like her.

Sylvia Buckman: INTP

Cynthia Harris played Sylvia Buckman, Paul’s dad and a fairly typical annoying mother-in-law. She’s not a big fan of Jamie and it’s one of those situations where no matter how hard Jamie tries, she’ll never be who Sylvia wants her to be.

Sylvia’s MBTI would be INTP or “Objective Analyst.” As a mother and mother-in-law, she observes what Paul and Jamie are doing and how they’re living their lives… and then lets them know her opinion (even though, of course, they don’t want to hear it).

Ira Buchman: ISFP

John Pankow’s Mad About You character is Ira Buchman, who is Paul’s cousin. He’s one of the funniest characetrs on the show, which is saying something since everyone says great lines of dialogue. His MBTI would be ISFP or “Versatile Supporter.” He may not be married with kids but he puts family first and loves to assist people. He’s “caring” and “trusting” and will “offer praise.”

Ira and Paul have an adorable, almost brotherly dynamic and get along really well. In one scene, Ira asks Paul, “Did you have a steak?” and Paul responds, “What are you, part wolf? As a matter of fact I did, this morning.” Ira says, “For breakfast? Paulie, I’m impressed” and Paul replies, “I’m working my way backwards through the day: for dinner, I’m having cornflakes.”

 Jamie Stemple Buchman: ESFP

Helen Hunt’s Mad About You character is Jamie, wife of Paul and a PR star. She works her way up from being the assistant of her friend Fran and for a period of time, her career is going much better than Paul’s is.

Her MBTI would be ESFP or “Enthusiastic Improviser.” She is “adaptable, friendly, and expressive” and she’s also “talkative” and “outgoing.” She and Paul have a great relationship and they love to spend time together and chat about all kinds of topics. She has moments when she’s “practical” and she definitely is the person who makes social plans and thinks about the future, but she’s also up for a fun road trip, like in the season three premiere “Escape from New York” when she and Paul try to find the seafood restaurant that they like.

Paul Buchman: ENFJ

Paul Reiser’s character on Mad About You, Paul Buchman, would be an ENFJ or “Compassionate Facilitator.” He’s artistic and sweet and makes documentaries. He sounds like this official description: “People with ENFJ preferences are able to get the most out of teams by working closely with team members and make decisions that respect and take into account the impact on others.”

Paul has several of the personality traits of this type, especially being “verbal.” He’s hilarious and never stops trying to make the people around him laugh.