Insatiable is a Netflix series that is based on the 2014 New York Times article “The Pageant King of Alabama”. It stars Debby Ryan as Patty Bladell, a teenager who was bullied for being overweight, who goes on a liquid diet due to a freak accident and who then loses weight and enters beauty pageants, thanks to a disgraced civil lawyer and obsessed beauty pageant coach named Bob Armstrong.

Bob and Patty are very entertaining characters, but there are many more on this show, too! And we wonder… What are the MBTI® results for each of these people from Insatiable? Let’s find out here and now…

Patty Bladell - ENTP

Patty Bladell, the star of this story about a girl who turns to beauty pageants, is an ENTP, due to her feisty and sometimes erratic behavior. This quick thinking of hers does lead to some out-of-the-box ideas, but these solutions are never thought all the way through, which gets her into trouble. Yes, Patty has done some crazy things on this TV show, but she is just a teen who gets bored by routine, who wants to fully figure herself out, who wants to be loved and who tries to navigate through life the best she can.

Bob Armstrong - ISFJ

Bob Armstrong is an ISFJ, as he is an introvert who is also friendly, since he is very committed and because he likes a specific and harmonious environment around him. ISFJs take their responsibilities very seriously - a seriousness seen when Bob is coaching his beauty queens. They are also loyal, so even when he is wrapped up in other things, he remembers specifics about people and shows consideration towards his loved ones and their feelings… or tries to at least; deep down, he really does care for Patty, Bob, Coralee AND Brick, and he is trying to figure out how to balance everything in his life right now.

Bob Barnard - ESFP

Bob Barnard is an ESFP, since he is outgoing, friendly and accepting. These types of people clearly love life and enjoy being around people, and the feeling is usually mutual; Bob Barnard is an attractive, charismatic, successful guy who everyone wants to know and be. This is a big trait of this category, and it is a definite one seen in this character, as well! As an ESFP, he is fun, spontaneous, adaptable and active, as seen by the energy he puts into work, exercising and his relationships (well, some of them more than others!).

Magnolia Barnard - ESFJ

Magnolia Barnard is an ESFJ, as she has an outgoing and attracting personality like her father does. People who are ESFJs are usually warm-hearted and cooperative, determined and accurate, loyal and giving.

This character is also just a teen, but she has a reputation for succeeding over and over, so fans see her struggle to decide what she really wants and who she wants to be. For the most part, though, Magnolia is a nice, smart and pretty girl - but she does like to be noticed and appreciated for all she does and is, whether in pageants or at home.

Nonnie Thompson - INFP

Nonnie Thompson is an INFP. These people are loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. They also want their values and lives to align, and we are seeing Nonnie discover who she is and stepping into her new, true life. INFPs are quick to see possibilities and are good at coming up with creative ideas, as seen through this character’s wit. They are also adaptable and flexible… until they feel/see a threat. Nonnie always goes along with whatever Patty wants, but she is coming into her own and speaking out more, which is fun!

Brick Armstrong - ISTJ

Brick Armstrong seems most like an ISTJ. He can be quiet and serious, but he is also a popular and cute guy. A big part of his life is wrestling, and ISTJs like to earn success by thoroughness, dependability, and responsibility; he sticks with it, even though his dad never comes to his meets. These types stick with things, even when it gets tough, and we see these traits when it comes to Brick’s life and his relationships. Similarly, people within this group value traditions and loyalty, so even when Brick is put on the back burner by his family or love interests, he remains true, kind and forgiving.

Christian Keene - INTJ

Christian Keene is an INTJ. He has an original mind and a great drive… even though some of his originality and determination seemed not-so-nice. Even though he has that bad boy vibe, he is actually quite smart and a quick thinker.

As an INTJ, he can be very committed and organized… which he would have had to be, if he took his girlfriend and had that interesting source of income! These types are also skeptical and independent, which could describe Christian, since he was like a lone wolf who did things his own way.

Dixie Sinclair - ESTP

Dixie Sinclair is an ESTP. People within this group are very active and spontaneous. They get bored easily, so they act energetically in order to get immediate results. While it is nice that Dixie lives in the present moment, it seems this poor girl is far from having it all together; she doesn’t always tell the truth, she is not always nice to people and - like a true ESTP - she definitely seems to enjoy material comforts and style. Fans have seen she would do anything to be on top, so we could say her energy is inspiring…? Or not.

Regina Sinclair - ENFP

Regina Sinclair, Dixie’s mom, is an ENFP. She has that same kind of wild and selfish behavior, but she is smarter than her daughter. She can make connections between events and information, a trait found in ENFPs, and then she uses all of that to her advantage. These types also want a lot of affirmation from others, and we have certainly seen Regina hilariously flirting with several people and fishing for compliments from them. And she will probably keep it up, as these types use their spontaneous and flexible ways and words to move up in the world.

Coralee Huggens-Armstrong - ESTJ

Coralee Huggens-Armstrong seems most like an ESTJ, but she is going through a transformation right now, so this could actually change! In the beginning, Coralee was seen trying to keep her home and social life looking fabulous. Now, a surprise and a business idea came along, so we are seeing a new side of this character. ESTJs can be practical, decisive, organized and good at taking care of routine details. Whether Coralee is maintaining her house, planning an event, coming up with a way to sort out her love life or pitching Tampazzle, she is exhibiting these traits!