Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists is a spin-off series of Pretty Little Liars, and it follows new mysteries surrounding new characters (and two old ones - Alison and Mona!) at Beacon Heights University. MBTI®, the Myers–Briggs® Type Indicator, is all about differing psychological preferences and how our personalities, behaviors and other traits can sort us into different categories.

That being said, we are going to look at the characters from Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists and sort them into MBTI groups, based on what they do, things they say and how we have seen them act so far.

Ava Jalali - INTJ

Ava Jalali is a fashionable trendsetter who also has a talent for hacking and coding, and she seems like an INTJ. These types have original minds and are quite driven, meaning that if/when Ava wants to sketch or sew a new outfit, she will - and it will be amazing. INTJs can be a bit skeptical, but that is because they are independent souls with high standards set for themselves and for others. This certainly sounds like Ms. Jalali, as she doesn’t easily trust people, which makes a lot of based on her home life and what happened to Nolan.

Caitlin Park-Lewis - ESTJ

Caitlin Park-Lewis is the intelligent daughter of two overachieving mothers, and she seems like an ESTJ. She is practical, realistic and decisive. She has been seen organizing projects and people, as well as working efficiently to get things done. Due to their wit, ESTJs can sometimes think that everyone should be following their clear standards and systems, so they can be forceful when presenting ideas. As fans have seen, this can get people like Caitlin in trouble, but the hard work usually pays off in a big way; whether she is running, studying or solving mysteries, Caitlin is used to getting what she wants and seeing success.

Dylan Walker - ISFJ

Dylan Walker is a talented cellist who is extremely critical of himself, so he is an ISFJ. He is quiet, but when he gets to know someone, he is friendly. He is committed, and he will literally bleed for his passion, spending hour upon hour practicing his music. ISFJs are thorough, painstaking and accurate, so this makes sense in a way! These types are also loyal and concerned with how others feel, as seen when Dylan tries to fix things with Andrew and then tries to fix things between Ava and Caitlin. People like this just want harmony around them.

Taylor Hotchkiss - ENTP

Taylor Hotchkiss was a teacher at BHU before she faked being gone for good and went into hiding, so she seems like an ENTP. She is stimulating, alert and outspoken, as fans have already seen. She is resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, which helped her escape in the first place. She is good at reading other people, as she knew why her mother hired Alison. She is bored with routines and obviously quite imaginative, since her mom said she believed the Land of Oz was out there, waiting for her to run to it.

Claire Hotchkiss - ENTJ

Claire Hotchkiss is Nolan’s and Taylor’s mother and the founder of Hotchkiss Technologies. She is a smart, refined woman with money and power, so she seems like an ENTJ. These types find illogical and inefficient problems and come up with detailed ways to solve them (like Beacon Guard). 

They enjoy planning and organizing, and in her position, Claire probably throws lots of events (just like her character on Gossip Girl!). On a similar note, ENTJs are usually well informed and well read, but when they pass their knowledge on to others, it can sometimes can across as frank and forceful.

Dana Booker - INTP

Dana Booker, a former FBI agent, is now head of security at Beacon Heights University, and she seems like an INTP. With her work and her personality, as well, she is always looking to find logical explanations, using theories and analysis to talk to people (rather than just using normal and nice conversation). She is quiet and contained, since she has to study people and focus on solving all the mysteries that are around her. INTPs are known for being skeptical, critical and analytical, and those are three words that could definitely describe a person like Dana Booker.

Nolan Hotchkiss - ENFJ

Nolan Hotchkiss, Claire’s son and Taylor’s brother, is a born leader, attractive and charismatic, making people like his perfect posse want or have to be around him. He seems like an ENFJ, since he is attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. He can help others fulfill their potential, but he is working to do himself some good, for the most part. His personality brings people together and turned three of them into friends. ENFJs like Nolan are responsive to praise and criticism, are sociable and are inspiring leaders, whether they are leading for good or not.

Ray Hogadorn - ISTJ

Ray Hogadorn works at BHU, and even though we just met him, he seems like an ISTJ. People in this category are quiet, serious, thorough and dependable. They work steadily, which surely comes in handy while working for a big university. They also take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized, and this is another match, based on the tasks we have seen Ray do around the school and based on his home that we have now seen. ISTJs value traditions and loyalty, and we hope to soon learn what Ray truly values, about his traditions and where his loyalties lie!

Jeremy Beckett - INFP

Jeremy Beckett is a seemingly charming and witty Brit, who also happens to be Caitlin’s real boyfriend, and he seems like an INFP. These people are idealistic and loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. They usually want a life that lines up with their values, but so far, we are not sure about this point, since Caitlin was pretending to date Nolan - not Jeremy. However, INFPs can be catalysts for implementing ideas, as they seek to help people fulfill their potential, using flexibility and acceptance. Will Jeremy help Caitlin, or will he do just the opposite? We will hopefully soon learn more about this INFP!

Mason Gregory - ENFP

Mason Gregory is Nolan’s childhood friend and Caitlin’s ex-boyfriend, and he seems like an ENFP. He is enthusiastic, popular, good-looking and friendly, but he can also make connections quickly and confidently proceed with whatever plan he has, based on all he knows. What does he know exactly? Can he even be trusted? All we know so far is that, like a true ENFP, he wants affirmation from others, he acts in a sort of spontaneous way, and he uses his verbal fluency to sneak around, as he is possibly not who he says he really is.