The whodunit tale is one of the most popular types of stories in all of fiction. Everyone loves a mystery, after all, and everyone loves trying to figure out who the perpetrator was before the protagonist can. Knives Out, director Rian Johnson’s first film since the controversial The Last Jedi, is a perfect example of the genre. Everybody has a motive for the crime, and twists and turns abound right up until the credits roll.

With a diverse cast of characters also comes several different personality types. Let’s turn to the old Myers Briggs test to gain a bit more insight into the cast of Knives Out.

Harlan Thrombey (INFJ)

The victim of the story, whose death sets the plot of the movie into motion. A popular mystery writer and head of the Thrombey family, Harlan was a classic introvert; working out of his home office and rarely leaving. He is also dependable and compassionate, caring deeply about his family and financially looking out for several of them.

This compassion shows through most prominently when he commits suicide when he’s mistakenly given an overdose of morphine by his nurse, Marta, so that she won’t be punished. His love of intellectual stimulation also shows through at this point; as he jots down the details of morphine poisoning, arguing it would make for an interesting murder mystery.

Marta Cabrera (ISFJ)

Harlan’s nurse and devoted friend. As a nurse, she is nurturing and considerate by nature. Her only concern is making sure that her patient receives the best care possible. While she doesn’t want to be punished, her motives are unselfish, as she doesn’t want her undocumented mother to be deported.

Marta seldom acts in a selfish capacity. When she thinks she has accidentally poisoned Harlan, her first thought is to get him to help instead of covering up her involvement. Even when others wrong her she is quick to forgive. As Blanc says, she is truly a kind person.

Linda Drysdale nee Thrombey (ESTJ)

The eldest daughter of the Thrombey family, and a real estate mogul. She is a natural-born leader who built her business from the ground up; just like her father. She is extremely loyal to her family, as well as greatly tradition-minded. Change is not something that she embraces easily, as shown when her reaction to the news of her father’s changed will is one of the most explosive.

Linda is very dignified and sticks to her principles fiercely. She believes that it is only right for Marta to give up her newly inherited fortune and is furious that her family is being, in her view, mistreated.

Walt Thrombey (ISTJ)

The youngest son of the Thrombey family and the CEO of his father’s publishing company, he is a very detail-oriented type of person and very direct in telling people what he thinks. When he proposes letting Netflix license his father’s books, he mentions that he has concrete numbers to give him.

He is very loyal to his duty and genuinely wants what he thinks is best for his father’s company. Loyal to his family, he is the one who goes to try to persuade Marta into giving up the inheritance. It seems to prefer having time alone to socializing with family.

Richard Drysdale (ESTP)

Linda’s husband, and Harlan’s son-in-law, he is an extremely outgoing person, always ready to engage in a lively discussion with others. When he has a goal he takes immediate action to see it achieved, even if it puts him at risk. Breaking into his deceased father-in-law’s desk to retrieve evidence of his infidelity is a good example of this.

When his son Ransom is being taken away by police, he blatantly attempts to bribe them despite how ill-advised this course of action is. Richard is happy to be the center of attention, as seen when he gets into a lively political debate with his sister-in-law.

Joni Thrombey (ESFP)

The wife of Harlan’s deceased eldest son and a lifestyle guru, she is friendly and good at getting people to like her as seen by her status as an influencer on Instagram. Spontaneous and lively, she follows her whims, like dancing in the middle of a group of people having a conversation.

An in-the-moment type of person, she doesn’t seem to think much about the consequences of her actions until they are right on her doorstep. This is best shown by the fact she was embezzling money from Harlan even though he already gives her a generous monthly allowance in addition to paying for her daughter Megan’s education.

Lieutenant Elliot (ISTJ)

The lead detective assigned to the Thrombey case. A quiet, reserved individual, he relies on concrete facts rather than engaging in speculation. His profession as a law enforcement officer shows a great belief in rules and order. Never assuming anything, he thoroughly analyzes any data that he gets.

Elliot has very little patience for conjecture, preferring to go off of what the evidence tells him rather than guess at motives. He also seems to disapprove of the more outgoing and enthusiastic Trooper Wagner. Professionalism is very important to him, and he is always polite and professional while carrying out his duties.

Trooper Wagner (ESFJ)

A police officer who aids Lieutenant Elliot in his investigation. An extroverted individual, he is openly enthusiastic about his love of Harlan Thrombey’s novels, and mysteries in general. Loving the drama of the investigation, he relishes following every twist and turn in the investigation, even though doing so isn’t exactly professional.

He is exceedingly friendly, and sometimes talks when he should be listening. That said, he has a strong work ethic, and he keeps aware of the facts of the case; often being the one who records the interviews with the suspects. Quick to offer his help, and always easy to talk to.

Hugh Ransom Drysdale (ESTP)

The son of Linda and Richard, and Harlan’s grandson. Ransom likes to be around other people, though this is because he enjoys provoking them rather than out of genuine affection. Blunt and excitable, he has a history of getting into heated arguments with his grandfather, and flies of the handle when told that he won’t be in the man’s will.

Ransom is a pragmatic individual who leaps into action to prevent Harlan will from interfering with his luxurious lifestyle. In framing Marta, he is constantly taking risks and shows great adaptability when tailoring his scheme to unforeseen events.

Detective Benoit Blanc (INTJ)

A famous private detective who is hired to aid the police in their investigation. Blanc is quiet and reserved most of the time, at least until it is time for him to confront suspects with inconsistencies in their stories. Keenly analytical, he also has the imagination to consider scenarios that others would not.

Blanc trusts his instincts, even when the evidence does not yet support his conclusions. He never loses track of the big picture and where all the pieces of the puzzle fit. Though prone to going off intuition, he is nonetheless a logical person who makes deductions based on both facts and feelings.