We’re happy to announce that drafting and approval have been added to Sprout’s publishing tools. All customers will have access to these new features in the Web App today, with the mobile apps to follow shortly.

Starting today, you’ll see a ‘Draft’ button on Sprout’s compose window, as well as a new section under Publishing called ‘Drafts’, where you can choose to edit, Queue, Schedule or Send messages that have been drafted.

One of the major benefits of this feature is that Drafts are shared with your team (just like Scheduled and Queued messages). This means that you can save messages for a manager or peer to review and approve, or reject with a note. The Drafts feature is available for ALL plans. Whether you want to jot down a quick idea for a post, or save content for your team to review, the Drafts feature in the Sprout Social is here to help you capture your thoughts, and to help you keep your publishing calendar stocked with great content. Drafts will be available on our mobile apps as soon as the app update is processed. Follow us on Twitter and we’ll let you know as soon as the update is in the App Store. We hope you enjoy this addition, and we hope you continue to enjoy using Sprout for all of your social media efforts!