The tactical open-world shooter Metal Gear Solid V is a prequel to the long-standing franchise and introduces a wide variety of new mechanics and options for the player. The game provides an unprecedented room for creativity in the stealth franchise and encourages experimentation and inventiveness. The game hosts a variety of powerful, and at times, impossible boss fights.

These boss fights vary from a close quarter encounter with strong enemies to facing the menacing Sahelanthropus. These fights will challenge even the most hardened veterans of the Metal Gear Solid series. With some guidance, any of these intense combat encounters can be made trivial. This guide will provide a list of the major boss fights of Metal Gear Solid V and some tips to defeating them.

Fighting the Skulls in Metal Gear Solid V

One of the first major boss fights in Metal Gear Solid V, the skulls are a powerful unit of super soldiers that will test any player’s combat resolve. These soldiers will pop up through the course of the story and are a difficult and terrifying group of enemies to face. Given their intimidating nature, the group is relatively easy to dismantle given a hardy resolve and some tips.

One of the first things to note about the Skulls is that they are incredibly quick. Their creepy zombie walk may seem glacial at first, but when attacked the unit will teleport closer to the player and engage in some devastating techniques.

The Skull’s accuracy is unparalleled compared to the enemies faced up until their encounters. They are pinpoint accurate and will chip away at your health if allowed. Be sure to find reliable cover and pepper away at their durable and regenerative armor. Be wary of their devastating melee attack, if you notice a Skull close to you and pulling out a long machete-like weapon be sure to run away. This attack is by far their most powerful and will dish out massive damage on a player.

Given their quick nature and assortment of attacks, the main trick in defeating the unit is be sure to scout their location and be cautious when peppering away at their armor. Utilize the versatile cover mechanic in the game and take shots at the enemy while primarily focusing on their heads. After their armor has been stripped off the enemies are incredibly easy to incapacitate. If your Fulton gadget is leveled high enough the group will provide some incredible awards.

Fighting Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V

Another member of the cast of bosses, Quiet is a dangerous and deadly accurate sniper. This fight will test a player’s mobility on top of their skill at stealth. This fight will pit players against Quiet, she will be placed in an advantageous perch and if allowed to take aim, will fire off powerful sniper rounds.

The main thing to note when tackling Quiet, is that your arena is filled with viable cover. If played smartly she will have a difficult time firing rounds off against a player who is smart in his approach. So be sure to crawl, hide behind cover or whatever stealth tricks you have available to maneuver closer to the boss. When close fire off rounds and the fight will swiftly end.

If stealth is not your best skill than be creative when fighting Quiet. A well-placed ammo crate may lead to a hilarious and surprisingly efficient way to deal with the foe. Metal Gear Solid V encourages and supports inventive play so be sure to play into this reality to quickly defeat the sniper.

When incapacitated, Quiet will be capable of Fulton retrieval. If Fulton-ed, she will serve as a powerful ally in the rest of the game and one of the best buddies available.

Fighting the Man on Fire in Metal Gear Solid V

This fight was foreshadowed in the opening scene of the game and is one of the most difficult to overcome. The Man on Fire is a devastating and rightfully horrifying boss to do battle against. The torched enemy has a wide arsenal of powerful moves to use against players and will quickly dispatch of a careless player.

The Man on Fire hosts a variety of fire-based attacks. One being a fireball that he launches at the player which deals a hefty chunk of damage and can spell doom. This move can be avoided if a player is mobile when facing the boss. However, the most lethal move at his disposal is his grab attack. If landed, this ability will kill Snake in one hit, it is imperative that players avoid this attack at all cost.

The Man on Fire is also impervious to all traditional attacks. This includes most guns and explosives at a player’s disposal. This makes facing the boss rather tricky and will call for some creativity. The boss is also invincible to melee attacks. Coupled with his one-hit KO grab attack, Man on Fire definitely discourages players from close-combat.

To defeat the Man on Fire, players must destroy either the Water Tower or the variety of water storage around to incapacitate the boss. The best way to stun the Man on Fire is by detonating the water tower with C4 and watching the tank empty onto the arena. This will cause the boss to be stunned allowing players to escape the hot zone. Another way to defeat the Man on Fire is by using a level 3 charged stun blast from the stun arm gadget. This will instantly stun and defeat the Man on Fire but requires 30 seconds of charge to do so. If using this method be sure to be mobile in order to avoid his powerful attacks.

Fighting Sahelanthropus in Metal Gear Solid V

The gigantic mech is the final boss of Metal Gear Solid V and despite his stature is a relatively easy boss to beat.

When facing Sahelanthropus make sure to utilize a wide breadth of explosives. These are the only ways to dish out real damage against the Metal Gear. Aim for his belly as it is his major weak point and will deal the most amount of damage.

Be sure to avoid his powerful sword attacks, machine gun/flamethrower attacks, and his devastating Railgun shots. The sword can be avoided with proper mobility while the Railgun will serve as the ending section of the boss fight. He only assumes the Railgun stance when under 25% of his health. So be patient and when Sahelanthropus reassumes his bipedal mode, fire a few more rockets into his stomach. This will trigger the final cutscene of the game and will present the opportunity to either kill or allow Skull Face to suffer.

No matter how intimidating the bosses of Metal Gear Solid V may appear, they are manageable. With proper preparation and some application of these tips, players will dismantle this array of enemies in no time.

More: Konami Investigating Why Metal Gear Solid V Cutscene Was Unlocked

Metal Gear Solid V  is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.