A lot of similarities – but Microsoft is stealing from Apple way to late. This is a must watch for any geek who follows the Microsoft versus Apple Rivalry.

via Read Write Web What is your take? It’s very interesting to see the similarities and Microsoft ripping off Apple’s terminology.

http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/06/21/padd-tablet-ipad-surface_imgur_610x269.jpg MS created the tablet market from what I remember and Jobs got the idea for the ipad form an MS employee that told him about the courier project. And all “ultrabooks” are a ripoff of the macbook air. . . but it’s a ripoff of Sony’s ultra-portables. . . and it goes on and on and on. Apple has NEVER had ONE single original idea all their own. If they had you could bet they would have been able to block everyone else from the market. What Apple did innovate on however is the single touch apps and simple design with the app store. I think Microsoft made the mistake of trying to keep Windows alive and failing to realize its not about the OS, it’s about the App. iOS focuses on the app and hides the noise. Jean-Luc Picard for the win! Who was it that came up with the iPod? The iPad (that SOLD)? The iPhone? The MacBook Air (the real Computer one, not the Sony-toy). More important, who knows how to announce, deliver and SELL products that Work, are Easy to use, fun, and have more (apps) capability than than all the neurons in your medulla oblongata? Enjoy your blue screens – I never get to see them Comment