Of all the pop singers who could be featured in a documentary available for streaming on Netflix, Taylor Swift definitely seemed like the least likely. The star is very private and besides penning songs about her romantic history, she doesn’t give fans all the details that they really want.

That’s why the news that Swift would have a documentary was both surprising and exciting. The film is nicely crafted, features a lot of her music, and is an interesting ride for both fans and also those who have heard her hit singles but don’t know much about her. Here are six things we liked about the Taylor Swift documentary Miss Americana and four that we didn’t.

Liked: The Songwriting Sessions

Since Taylor Swift is famous for writing the songs on her albums, it makes sense that a documentary about the singer would feature some songwriting sessions. But instead of feeling like these moments are simply slotted in because they would look good, they feel real and genuine.

Whether Swift is playing the piano with her sweet cat walking on the keys or working on what would later be her hit single “ME!” with Brendon Urie, she’s clearly got a huge love for the music that she creates. And no matter what someone thinks of her personal life (which is also addressed in the film), it’s hard to not get caught up in the beauty of an artist doing what they’re meant to do.

Didn’t Like: Swift Says She Needs And Wants Approval Always

While one major theme of Miss Americana is how Swift learned that it was unhealthy for her to keep caring what other people thought of her, and she directly admits that many people have said that they don’t like her and that hurt her feelings, it’s tough to swallow something else she says: that she has always needed and wanted approval.

Swift explains that she got into the business and wanted people to clap and smile and love her, and that this always felt good. Sure, a lot of celebrities obviously feel this way. But why didn’t Swift say that she got into this because she couldn’t stop making music and this was her calling? It might feel obvious but it felt like a necessary part of her personal history that should have been included.

Liked: Fans Get To See The Real Taylor

After watching this movie, there’s one question that most people will be asking: did viewers get to see the real Taylor?

The answer is yes, especially since there’s one super real scene where Swift has dinner with her good friend. They talk just like two regular friends and it would be impossible to tell that one of them was such a famous pop star. Another friend has just had a baby and Swift talks about going to see her and how real everything felt. Swift often says that motherhood isn’t something that she feels prepared for right now, and it’s interesting for fans around the same age to hear this from her as it’s so relatable.

Didn’t Like: She Should Open Up More About Her Love Life

Although Swift does open up more than usual in Miss Americana, she doesn’t say much about one huge part of her life, her love life. She does mention that she’s been in a healthy relationship for a while and they chose to keep things private.

Fans know that this is Joe Alwyn, and it’s definitely her right to talk about what she wants and leave out the rest. But since the point of the documentary was to let people in, it seems like she could have said a little bit more. All documentaries are going to be carefully created and constructed, but Swift is definitely still keeping some things close to her chest, and the documentary feels a bit empty on this level. At least fans see Swift and Alwyn embracing after one of her shows.

Liked: The Scene When Grammy Nominations Come Out

When thinking about what a Taylor Swift doc would be like, fans probably wouldn’t expect her to be on the phone with someone telling her that she didn’t get Grammy nominations. This is one of the film’s best scenes as Swift is super vulnerable and real.

While she seems sad and upset at first, she quickly recovers and explains that she’ll create a “better record” next time. And viewers know that this is true as she seems so determined.

Didn’t Like: Too Many Performance Scenes

Of course, a Taylor Swift documentary is going to feature some scenes of the star performing. The problem is that it feels like there are too many in Miss Americana.

It would have been better if there had been a quick one at the beginning and the end of the film, perhaps even the same one. Since fans have seen a lot of videos of Swift performing or even attended several of her concerts, it didn’t feel super necessary.

Liked: She Talks About Her Mom/Family Life

Fans know that Swift’s mom has been diagnosed with cancer, especially since she wrote a song about it called “Soon You’ll Get Better” on her most recent album, Lover. But it’s one thing to listen to a pop song and another to see that singer interacting with the person she wrote the song about.

The scenes of Swift and her mom are incredibly sweet and really bring home the human element of the movie. Swift is seen hugging her mom, traveling with her, and just enjoying her family life. She talks about how important it is for her to be close to her family, and this is great to see.

Didn’t Like: The Film Feels A Bit Unorganized At Times

While the documentary is really well-done, the experience of watching it is a little unorganized. The performance scenes seem to come up randomly, along with some videos of Swift performing when she was younger.

The movie is structured by the various things that have happened to Swift at each age, but it felt like a little bit more could have been done to make it flow better.

Liked: She Opens Up About Her Eating Disorder

In one scene, Swift tells viewers that she used to have an eating disorder. She talks about how she used to see photos of her that were taken when she was walking around, and based on how her stomach looked or another part of her body, she would stop eating.

This is an incredibly emotional scene and Swift gets deep about how her mindset has changed since then. She says that she once thought that it was fine to be exhausted after performances, but now she wants to eat well and feel good and have energy. It’s hard to overstate how important it is for a famous person with such a huge influence on young girls to say something like this.

Liked: She Gets Political And It’s Inspiring

One of the most talked-about aspects of Miss Americana is Taylor Swift’s political views along with her new song “Only The Young.” This was another awesome part of the movie.

Watching Swift say that she can’t be silent any longer and has to admit that she has political opinions and that she wants to motivate others to vote and understand the system is definitely inspiring. These are the parts of the documentary that will make anyone emotional, whether they’re an avid Swift listener or just curious about learning more about a celebrity. When Swift’s new song plays during the movie’s final credits, it’s a beautiful, perfect ending.