Modern Family is a show that takes a look at the way the family dynamic has changed as we’ve moved into the modern world, not conforming with the stereotypes that used to be the standard back in the day. Not only are the main characters that make up the Modern Family very well written and funny, but the writers have managed to cram in some brilliant supporting characters, ones that we think often outshine the main cast in the single episodes that they’re given. We’re going to take a look at the ten of the show’s best supporting characters.

DeDe Pritchett

Even though the characters played by the main cast often rub up against each other, it doesn’t change the fact that they love each other and are always able to come together at the end of the episode to show that love. However, this also doesn’t change the fact that the external family member can be a little difficult at times! The whole point of DeDe Pritchett, Jay’s ex-wife and the mother of Mitchell and Claire, is to shake things up by coming into the family dynamic and mess with the whole family with some passive aggressive comments and sometimes outright violence. Don’t worry, it’s usually played for laughs.

Donnie Pritchett

One of the things that men, especially older men, can often struggle with is showing their emotions, usually to the men that they’ve grown up with, which is a concept that the Modern Family writers explored when they brought in Donnie Pritchett. Despite the fact that Jay suspects Donnie may be ill, he doesn’t think his brother is willing to talk about something so emotional with him. It’s funny to watch him deflect by constantly berating his brother and trying to beat him in little competitions, but it’s also great to watch them finally have the emotional moment that they always needed by the end of the episode.


Everyone has that friend that refuses to grow up, the one that still acts like they’re in their twenties and refuses to believe that they will one day have to get their life together. Cam and Mitchell have that friend, and her name is Sal. When she first appears in the show, she seems to resent the couple’s child, who is able to hold their own against the older woman.

It’s hilarious to see her try and get the now much more mature couple to cut loose like they used to before becoming genuinely disappointed that they don’t want to live life as they used to in their twenties.

Sonia Ramirez

Sonia is Gloria’s sister, a woman that resents the fact that Gloria got the life that she thinks is rightfully hers due to the fact that Gloria chose to look after herself and make her way to the US without bringing her sister along. The way that Sonia tries to change this indiscretion is by trying it on with Jay so that he will cheat on Gloria, which obviously never works. It’s a paper-thin attempt that Jay can see right through, so it’s funny to watch it happen. It’s even better to see her scream and shout with Gloria in a completely different language!

Pepper Saltzman

Unlike Sal, Pepper is a friend that Cam and Mitchell do get on with and see a lot despite the fact that they can find him quite exhausting at times. One of the best episodes to see this man in is the one where Pepper and Jay end up getting on so well, which is not what Mitchell or the audience expected to happen in any way shape or form. Seeing the usually reserved man, somebody that has struggled with his son’s lifestyle for a very long time at this point, getting on with a character that is camp and dramatic, is a brilliant thing to see on the screen.

Gil Thorpe

As one of the most obnoxious characters that has ever been in Modern Family, it’s no surprise that a lot of people didn’t like this guy, but we actually thought the way that he annoyed Phil was quite funny from time to time.

Throw in the fact that the writers decided to have him come out to Mitchell and Cam, adding in another layer to his personality that wasn’t seen before, and we have here is a three-dimensional character. It made the audience feel as if they had judged the man as nothing more than a single personality trait even though no human being is truly like that!

Andy Bailey

This male nanny provides a lot of laughs through his seemingly endless optimism and energy that comes in handy whenever he goes through a difficult time, which he does quite a lot. When he starts out working for Jay and Gloria, he doesn’t get on very well with Hayley, but the two of them end up going out together for a short period of time. This isn’t the usual sort of person that Hayley would go for, but she finds herself attracted to him. Watching the two of them slowly fall for each other despite bickering at first is a great thing to see.

Frank Dunphy

One of the great things about Modern Family is that is highlights just how much of an effect the parents in a family have upon their children, and this can be seen perfectly whenever Phil gets together with his dad Frank. Phil is a kind man, an emotional person who just wants the best for everyone while having as much fun as possible. There’s no wonder why that is when we see what his dad is like. Watching the two of them get excited together is very cute, as there are pretty much no other avenues to see two grown men act like this on the television!

Dylan Marshall

Everyone worries about what sort of person their child is going to end up with, and we can imagine that many parents would be terrified if their child brought home a boyfriend like Dylan. Not only is he not very smart, meaning that he comes out with some truly hilarious things, but he hasn’t exactly got many job prospects either. This, of course, despite the fact that he is clearly an ambitious and artistic young man, it doesn’t change the fact that there is a lot about him that Claire just doesn’t like, and we don’t think that will ever change anytime soon.

Javier Delgado

Just like Jay, Gloria was married and had children before they finally ended up with who they wanted to be with for the rest of their life. Javier is an exciting man, and Manny looks up to him despite the fact that he consistently lets him down, not living up to the responsibilities that he has as a father, instead indulging his own interests and putting them before those of his sons. Jay doesn’t like Javier at all, feeling that he is a deadbeat dad that is well-loved by everyone else, and watching the two of them spar is an interesting thing to see.