Out of all the families on Modern Family, the original Pritchetts are seen to have a special bond. Over 12 years, fans have watched as Jay, Mitchell, and Claire have become more open and kinder to each other as the show has progressed.

Near the beginning, Jay would offend his kids with his outdated beliefs and aloof behavior as it would often lead to a strain in his relationships. However, Claire and Mitchell weren’t the perfect children either as the two would often get themselves into trouble that forced Jay to bail them out.

Jay: His Relationships With Phil & Cam

One of the worst things Jay did to Claire and Mitchell was how he didn’t bond with Phil and Cam. At the beginning of the series, Claire and Mitchell expressed their discouragement when Jay continuously dismissed his sons-in-law. For instance, Claire was furious at her father when she found out Jay had flown his model airplane into Phil’s face because he finds him annoying (“Come Fly with Me”).

In “Fifteen Percent,” he also crossed Mitchell when he introduced Cam as “one of his son’s friends.” On both these occasions, Claire and Mitchell were livid with their father’s behavior as it felt like he was disrespecting their relationships. It also didn’t help his case that Cam and Phil are two of the nicest people in the world.

Claire & Mitchell: Calling Gloria A Gold-Digger

In “Coal Digger,” tensions increased between the Dunphys and the Pritchetts when Luke reveals he overheard Claire call Gloria a gold digger. This all came about after both families were called to the school because Manny and Luke got into a fight when the pair riled each other up with insults.

Their fight ended up passing on to Claire and Gloria when the future real estate agent hears that Claire believes she is a gold-digger. Naturally, Jay is furious with Claire’s insinuation as she rubs salt further into the wound by suggesting “a beautiful, hot woman” wouldn’t be interested in someone much older. It’s not exactly the apology he wants to hear.

Jay: Shot Himself In The Foot To Avoid Going To A Soccer Game

In “The Day Alex Left For College,” Jay upset Mitchell when he decided he wasn’t going to attend Lily’s soccer game. This all came about after Gloria and Manny berate Jay for not making an excuse to turn down the invite when Cam asked. Jay apologizes and complains himself, calling it a waste of “two hours, watching the worst players in the worst sport.”

To get out of the situation, Gloria ends up shooting Jay in the foot with a pellet gun and then tries to make Mitch feel guilty for making them come. Considering that Lily is his grandchild, you would believe he would jump at the opportunity to support her. It’s no wonder that Mitch was disappointed with their lack of investment.

Claire & Mitchell: Telling Jay His Work Is Boring

One of the worst things Claire did to Jay was when she told him the closest business was boring. In “White Christmas,” Jay reveals to the family that he is planning on retiring from the business and passing it on to a guy called Chuck Finney. However, this turns out to be a lie as Jay is planning on giving it to Claire as a Christmas surprise.

As expected, Claire doesn’t take the news well that Jay would be passing on the family’s legacy to someone else. Instead of talking to Jay, the Dunphy matriarch lashes out at her father and says at least now she doesn’t have to waste twenty years of her life on closets and becoming the most boring person alive. Ouch.

Jay: How He Handled Mitch’s Sexuality

One of the worst things Jay did to Mitchell was how he handled his coming out. Mitchell once revealed that he had come out to Jay three times. However, the hardest time for Mitchell had to be the very first.

In “Fifteen Percent,” Mitchell’s talking head sees him discuss the distance between Jay and himself. He says that when he started law school, Jay used to call him every day to check-in. Yet, the calls stopped when Mitch decided to tell him he was gay. It becomes clear to the viewers that this memory still affects him to that day.

Claire & Mitchell: Ruined His Birthday

Claire and Mitchell have to be the worst children ever when they end up ruining Jay’s birthday. In “The One That Got Away,” Claire and Mitchell try to do a nice gesture for their father and decide to recreate a childhood photograph. They visit their childhood home, where Claire and Mitchell break into the backyard to take a picture.

However, Claire and Mitchell find themselves in a spot of bother when they are chased up a tree by an aggressive dog. Instead of having the peaceful day he wanted, Jay is forced to come to their rescue and use sausages to distract the dog. Probably one of the worst birthdays he’s ever had.

Jay: When He Demeaned Mitchell’s Wedding

One of the worst moments for Jay had to be when he demeaned Mitchell and Cam’s wedding. In “Message Received,” Mitchell and Cam were struggling with the cost of a bigger venue after they find out many of their family and friends would like to attend.

When Cam and Mitchell still can’t raise the funds, Jay asks why the event has to be made “into a spectacle” and says that maybe they should turn it down a notch. When Mitchell questions if Jay would have the same attitude if it was Claire’s wedding, Jay gets all defensive. However, he soon puts his foot in it when he admits he feels awkward about the wedding. At this confession, Mitchell ends up walking out on him, upset.

Claire & Mitchell: Consulting At A Rival Business

In “The Closet Case,” Mitchell betrayed Jay when he agreed to work with his arch-rival, Earl Chambers. As fans know, Jay had an ongoing rivalry with the businessman after he upped and left their business to start a rival one. His former best friend became his enemy when Jay found out that Earl had bad-mouthed him to half their employees.

When Mitchell tells Jay that he is going to be working with Earl, his father loudly protests. After a brief argument, Mitchell insists that he would be taking the job. However, it turns out Earl was trying to mess with Jay when he ends up parking a truck outside Jay’s house with a picture of him and Mitchell. Mitchell had to do a lot of making up after that one.

Jay: Manipulates Them Into A Vacation

In “Lake Life,” Jay ended up taking a temper tantrum because the family didn’t follow his schedule. During this episode, Jay received news that an old colleague had passed away and forces the family to take a vacation together.

However, he soon becomes annoyed and storms off when the family gets sidetracked. He then refuses to come back unless they can come up with a good memory they hold of him. When Claire says that he’s given them plenty of memories by keeping their childhood photos, Jay says that she’s just being general. Considering he wants reassurance, his responses are a tad ungrateful.

Claire & Mitchell: Ruined Father’s Day

The worst thing Claire did was when she ruined Father’s Day for Jay. In “A Tale Of Three Cities,” Jay organizes a Father’s Day celebration, where he invites the families around to have a hand-selected sausage meal. However, this doesn’t go to plan when the families begin to argue.

This is where the worst thing happens to Jay. As Phil reveals he sent Jay a text with a picture of a closet Claire wanted him to take, the Pritchett patriarch is horrified to discover that Claire is naked in the background. It’s surprising this didn’t ruin the holiday for him forever.