Modern Family is a long running sitcom that follows the lives of the members of the Dunphy extended family. Each member of this large family definitely has their own unique personality, and many fans of the series have a favorite family member and character. For some, it’s Alex, the total genius and middle child of Claire and Phil. For others, it’s Lily, the opinionated, adopted daughter of Cam and Mitchell.

And then for some people, Claire and Phil’s oldest daughter, Haley, is the highlight of the show. Haley is funny and sassy, and although she can be a little bit rebellious and superficial, she’s definitely an important part of the show and her story lines are always fun. On top of that, she’s always dressed really well… Except when she’s not. Although her fashion sense is usually on point, it can be a little off at times.

To see 5 of Haley’s best outfits and 5 of her worst, keep reading!

Best: Season 6, Episode 24

Season 6, episode 24 of Modern Family is an episode called “American Skyper.” In this episode, we’re taken to Alex’s graduation party. Unfortunately, her father, Phil, is stuck in Seattle and not able to attend the big day! Luckily, he’s got an iPad and an idea about how he can still be at the party without actually being at the party.

Haley’s outfit in this scene of the episode is definitely among her best from the series. This coral shirt’s unique hemline and subtle details are perfect for a nicer event like a graduation party, but don’t take all the attention off her little sister’s big day.

Worst: Season 6, Episode 21

This episode of Modern Family is an episode called “Integrity.” This episode is an example of one where everyone has a drastically different story line going on, but they all connect or mirror each other in some way. For Haley, she’s struggling to figure out how to stand up to her boss.

In this part of the series, Haley is working as the assistant to a stylist to the stars named Gavin. Unfortunately, Haley didn’t take any fashion cues from work it seems. This outfit’s separate parts are nice, but there’s just too much going on. The floral shirt with the two layers, the leather sleeves, and the oversized cardigan all clash, and her oversized bag just doesn’t match.

Best: Season 10, Episode 4

The fourth episode of the tenth season of Modern Family is an episode called “Torn Between Two Lovers.” This episode is one that heavily focuses on Haley and the fact that she’s struggling to decide between her current relationship and her relationship with her former fling, Dylan. Luckily, we know how it turns out for them.

The fact that this episode focuses so heavily on Haley definitely doesn’t stop at the story line. Her outfit in this episode was on point. The multiple buttons on her jeans and the silhouette of her top have a trendy, retro vibe while still being totally modern.

Worst: Season 10, Episode 20

Just like Dylan and Haley’s relationship has had its ups and downs, so has Haley’s fashion sense. In this episode, Dylan and Haley are planning to elope before Haley gives birth, but trying to sneak around and get eloped proves to be more difficult than just having a big wedding.

We’re willing to give this bad outfit a pass because Haley was heavily pregnant with the twins, and she was going through a lot with being pressured to have a big wedding. But, this was not one of Haley’s finer fashion moments. The red striped shirt and the army green parka just don’t scream “Haley Dunphy” and look wrong on her.

Best: Season 7, Episode 11

Letting your children grow up and move on with their lives is something that many parents struggle with. Season 7, episode 11 of Modern Family, an episode titled “Spread Your Wings,” is something that definitely touches on this as Claire tries to get her children, Luke and Haley, to help her get rid of the ducks that Phil insists on keeping.

While this is probably not an outfit that many people would wear out to the park to release some baby ducks into the wild, we totally love it. The shirt is super unique, which is totally fitting for Haley. Since Haley is so into makeup and fashion, it’s no shock that she’d wear something more out of the ordinary.

Worst: Season 6, Episode 7

Season 6, episode 7 of Modern Family follows Haley as she is desperately trying to land the job of assistant to celebrity stylish Gavin Sinclair. Since Haley loves fashion so much all throughout the series, it’s not a stretch for her to be trying to get a position like this.

But, we have to admit that this outfit isn’t Haley’s best. Especially if she was going out to get a job as an assistant to a stylist! The beaded skirt she wore is really cool, but it’s just not right for a job interview and it doesn’t match the plain, black top. Do better, Haley!

Best: Season 8, Episode 1

The season 8 premiere of Modern Family is set in New York City. The family was supposed to leave to go back home, but Phil and Claire secretly stay in the city. Little do they know, so did their children. They both desperately try to avoid spotting each other while each group lies to the other about having left NYC.

Haley’s shorter, lighter hair in this episode totally pops and really brings a lot of attention to the rest of her outfit. Even though it’s a fairly simple top and pair of jeans, the fact that it has the unique strappy neckline really adds an interesting detail that is so fitting for Haley’s style and personality.

Worst: Season 2 Promotional Photoshoot

This outfit isn’t actually one from the show, but it was one that Sarah Hyland donned for the promotional photoshoots for Modern Family back in season two. So, technically, even though this didn’t actually appear on the show, it’s still an outfit that Haley wore.

Luckily, it was only for promotional material. Even for the earlier seasons when Haley was a teenager and a lot less trendy and fashion-forward, this outfit just isn’t great. The brightly colored gingham top is paired with a denim mini skirt and the entire thing looks dated and immature, even for a teenager.

Best: Season 9, Episode 19

In season 9, episode 19 of Modern Family, Haley is working for the eccentric owner of NERP, a unique lifestyle brand that seems heavily inspired by Gwyneth Paltrow’s brand, GOOP. In the episode, Nicole wants to come up with a new product and turns to peppers and the properties she believes they have to help people.

Even though Haley is often portrayed as being a little ditzy and a major “girly” girl, we can’t deny that she definitely pulls off edgier styles as well. This floral dress is definitely cute and feminine, but it looks so cool with Haley’s chunky boots, black tights, and leather jacket.

Worst: Season 1, Episode 22

All the characters in Modern Family have come a really long way since the first season. Their characters have developed, they’ve grown and changed, and they’ve learned to dress significantly better than they were during the early episodes of the series.

Although this outfit is far from the worst ones that have been on the show, it’s also far from the best. There’s just a lot going on here. There are three different colors, three different layers, and a chunky necklace on top of it all. It looks like Haley couldn’t figure out what to wear, so she just put everything on at once.

Next: 5 Ways Modern Family is Better Than Malcolm in The Middle (& 5 Ways Malcolm is the Best)