It’s beginning to look as if players may be able to jump into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s new battle royale mode Warzone sooner rather than later, if the recent rumors and leaks are true. Recently, the announcement for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s new multiplayer mode was undercut by gameplay footage which then quickly leaked online, prompting Activision to file a subpoena against Reddit in order to determine just where exactly the leaks came from.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is joining the plethora of other franchises which have submitted to the current popularity of battle royale multiplayer gaming as a genre, one which includes popular titles like Fortnite, PUBG, and Apex Legends. Although the newest Call of Duty title went through some problems at launch, something which caused one of the developers to publicly apologize for Modern Warfare’s repeatedly massive patches, Activision remains focused on delivering the best Call of Duty experience they possibly can to players, no matter who spoils it first.

Now, thanks to a few intrepid Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players, fans have a better idea of when they can expect to begin playing Warzone. As reported on by Game Rant, a number of players have discovered some key changes which may indicate Warzone’s release will be revealed soon, and some of them are rather compelling. Check out the images below via Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone hype account @BattleRoyaleCoD on Twitter:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare updates usually land on Tuesdays, which is why the date March 3rd being repeated so many times is interesting. March 3rd is a Tuesday, and, much more convincingly, the change to Call of Duty’s official website indicating an incoming transmission surely means new information about Warzone should be arriving soon. Whether this will be new official gameplay footage, a release date, or a full drop of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare battle royale mode remains to be seen.

As one of the most popular franchises in the modern first-person shooter landscape, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has an equal chance of either evolving the battle royale genre into something greater or falling into the same trap so many other developers have when trying to tack on something that is currently in fashion to their own titles. Luckily, online multiplayer shooting is something the Call of Duty series found its comfort zone in a long time ago, and the abundance of battle royale titles which have already tried and failed to take the crown from games like Fortnite, PUBG, and Apex Legends prove a valuable roadmap for what not to do. Hopefully, players will be able to find out for themselves soon, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Warzone mode will live up to expectations.

Next: Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Finding The PS4-Exclusive Lucky Strike Blueprint

Sources: Game Rant, Twitter