The resurgence of players in the Monster Hunter World online servers is directly connected to the new monsters and mechanics introduced with the Iceborne expansion. This DLC added a variety of fan-favorite monsters from the long-lasting series, while also adding a new layer of difficulty to existing monsters. Among the new creatures added to the cast of Monster Hunter World, is a new variation of the final boss of the base game, Xeno’Jiiva.

The newest version of Xeno is a more difficult and grown-up version of the freshly hatched elder dragon. This version is the adult Xeno’Jiiva, referred to as the Sifa’Jiiva in-game and is a challenge to even the most hardened hunter. Alongside adding more health and higher damage, the adult Xeno is the final boss fight of the story of Iceborne and provides extremely powerful gear for completing his quest. This guide will provide some tips in order to make facing the powerful elder dragon a breeze.

Preparing for Adult Xeno’Jiiva in Monster Hunter World

Before tackling the massive dragon, it is important for players to properly prepare. It is not a fight that should be taken lightly. There are at least three things a player must do before facing the adult Xeno. These three preparations are: eat a meal which buffs stats, prepare a weapon with a minimum of blue sharpness, and to invite players or launch an SOS flare before engaging the beast.

Eating before facing Xeno, or any monster, is a necessity in Monster Hunter World. Eating a well-cooked meal can add significant buffs to a player’s already strong character, alongside a substantial health and stamina buff during the quest. The introduction of a gourmet voucher allows players an even better meal to use when facing powerful monsters. These vouchers provide a maximum increase of health and stamina on top of a maximum buff in whatever stat the meal improves. These new vouchers are crucial to standing a chance against the adult Xeno’Jiiva.

Having a properly upgraded weapon is a must when facing this creature as well. If you go into this fight with a sharpness that is too low, your weapon will simply bounce off of Jiiva’s hardened scales. A suggested sharpness for this fight is blue and greater. Ideally, a player would have a weapon with a white sharpness, but blue is the bare minimum when facing Xeno. Be sure to check your weapons additional elemental types as well. Certain elements are more effective against Xeno than others. Two that find great success against the dragon are poison and blast. These elements provide damage over time and can assist in whittling down the durability of the powerful boss throughout the fight.

Finally, facing the Elder Dragon with a full party is another great idea to defeat the boss. Although it is manageable to face Jiiva alone, the first few attempts should be made with a team, in order to get a sense of his attack patterns and durability. Players can choose either to fire an SOS flare at the beginning of the quest or recruit members before engaging the dragon. Either way, be sure to have a team of strong and like-minded hunters before tackling the adult Xeno’Jiiva.

Adult Xeno’Jiiva’s Powerful Attacks in Monster Hunter World

The elder dragon has a vast arsenal of dangerous attacks. When facing the towering boss be sure to take note and be wary of the following attacks.

The adolescent Xeno is known for his powerful energy breath attacks, if players were not careful he could take down even the strongest hunters in a few shots. This threat remains consistent with the new version of Xeno. However, the adult version’s breath attacks are faster and stronger than his younger counterpart. Hosting a wide variety of different breath attacks, adult Xeno is as dangerous as the original version. Make sure to be mobile and avoid these quick and powerful breath attacks.

Adult Xeno has a powerful variety of melee-based attacks. The main ones to watch out for his swiping claw attacks and a lunging bite attack. Both of these moves are designed to keep players away from his weakest points, preventing any strategy of sticking close and peppering these weak sections. Just be sure to constantly move when facing the giant dragon. These melee attacks and his fire attacks can quickly dispatch a team of overly aggressive players.

Fighting the Adult Xeno’Jiiva in Monster Hunter World

Facing the elder dragon can be an intimidating feat to accomplish. But by being particular and careful when attacking the beast, any player will succeed no matter how difficult it may seem to be.

The first thing to note when fighting Xeno is that his armored scales are some of the most resilient in the game. They can deflect and absorb even the strongest weapons available. To overcome this powerful defense, it is important for players to make use of the clutch claw and weaken the key points on Xeno. The most important limbs to focus attack on are his hind legs, his tail, and his belly. These bodily locations are generally safe from his more powerful attacks and are key to taking down the giant dragon. Be careful of his claw attacks when damaging his legs and his powerful ground pound explosion, they are his only ways of attacking players when focusing on these limbs.

After receiving enough damage, Xeno will descend to a lower level of the arena. This phase of the fight is when Xeno becomes the most dangerous. The extra energy Xeno receives from this location change turns his breath attacks and ground pound explosion into stronger, quicker, and longer range techniques. This phase change also turns Xeno into a hyper-aggressive enemy as he will target and focus his attacks on a particular player in certain situations. This is both a blessing and a curse, as it puts one player’s safety in danger but allows the team to pepper at the beast while it focuses on that teammate. The most important move to avoid is his ultimate attack, his “nuke” blast. Xeno will fly high in the air and charge up a powerful blast, which when dropped onto the arena will kill any player in its range. No matter how strong your armor is, this move is a one-hit kill and can only be avoided by hiding behind the stones scattered throughout the arena.

When in this phase be sure to be mobile and stick close to his belly and the Adult Xeno’Jiiva will quickly be dispatched. Rewarding players with an intense and exhilarating boss fight to conclude their story experience in Monster Hunter World. 

More: Monster Hunter: World - Voice Actor & Character Guide

Monster Hunter World is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC