Jared Leto’s Morbius look has leaked online and is causing powerful reactions from fans of the iconic Spider-Man villain. Following the release of Venom, Sony Pictures is moving forward their own personal Marvel Universe starring Spider-Man foes as the leads, and the next one arriving is Morbius. Since Morbius’ announcement in 2018, limited details about Sony’s film has been shared so far. Production finished towards the latter half of 2019, but despite of that, Sony Entertainment have been staying silent during post-production.

Small things were teased about the film during its production, including Morbius having sequences which involve flying. With the character best known as a villain to Spider-Man, the film will surely be taking Morbius in an anti-hero direction similarly to Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock. With the film coming this summer and a new Morbius trailer expected to be released by Sony this coming Monday, a leaked image has already made its way online, giving the internet its first look at Leto in full Morbius make-up and costume. Screen Rant has reached out to Sony Pictures for comment and an official high-resolution version of the image.

With the online world being as reactionary as it is to first looks, it’s lucky fans of Morbius have reacted strongly positive to it thus far. Responses are still coming in non-stop on Twitter, with fans sharing their thoughts on Leto’s Morbius look. While the image is heavily focused on Leto’s face, not much is revealed about the actual costume. One user, @ScienceNerd616 stressed that the film would be a letdown if Morbius didn’t sport his iconic costume involving a vampire-shaped cape.

While many have been cautious about getting optimistic about Morbius having his own solo-film, others are praising the comic-accurate design. One reaction from @0_0MrWhelan0_0 states that while they had reservations about the movie, they still appreciate the production’s dedication to Morbius’ classic look. Several users are putting the leaked image side-by-side with a popular shot of Morbius from the comics, perfectly capturing the feeling of bringing something from panel to screen. Another fan, @KXA_Prime, deeply felt that the new look was worthy of “yikes”. @KXA_Prime stresses that while they enjoy the character in comics and from Spider-Man: The Animated Series, they expect it to have Venom-quality which had a mixed bag of reactions.

As positive as some fans have been with their first look at Morbius, others are still skeptical about the character even having his own film, with some explaining how just one image isn’t going to do it for them simply because it’s comic-accurate. With the reported arrival of the official Morbius trailer being on its way, it won’t be long until the world gets a first taste of what Sony’s new film will look like.

Next: Everything You Need To Know About Morbius

Source: Twitter

  • Morbius Release Date: 2022-04-01