Update: Ireland (O2) and Austria (Tmobile) by extension are officially on. Adding fuel to the fire, Morgan Stanley is reporting that El Jobso has been getting some serious private jet time in over the past quarter – indicating he’s been doing some global traveling and possibly sealing some deals.

Interestingly, Tim Cook, COO of Apple, mentioned yesterday that Apple was open to exploring other models of iPhone distribution – rather than stick to their locked model.  This could lead the way to selling the iPhone unlocked in markets like China and India where the device has already proved itself popular amongst the 2+ billion consumers in those countries – even with out 3G.   He also mentiond the best way to fight unlockd iPhones is to opn up in the markets whre they are being unlocked. It is turning out to be a very exciting week for th iPhone/iPod Touch platform…even without all of the new applications expectd to be announced. Oh, and one last thing…it would be really nice to see Apple drop the prices on those iPhones and iPods right about now.  The price reduction – which would reflect the plummeting prices of Flash storage would really spur on device sales. (Thanks to Roughly Drafted for the Photo)