You have to admire Walt Mossberg for taking his position as grand exalted leader amongst technology journalists directly to the US telecoms.  He is single handedly trying to break the hold on consumers that the Sprint/Tmobile/AT&T/Verizon Cartel has on the US Mobile industry.  To his credit, he has gotten Verizon to promise that in Q3 2008, that it will accept any device on its platform – as long as it meets a very simple set of requirements (like no VoIP?).  If he were running for Office, we’d vote for him. 

Of course, we’ll believe it when we see it.  Surely there will be a price to pay for being open.  But at least there is some movement. In the video above, Walt also make it clear that the iPhone is the device that illuminates this anomaly.  It is a computer, not a phone.  It is much more powerful than any of the computers behind him (including – is that- a TI-99? – to the right of the Etch-a-Sketch).  Yet, you can’t change your ISP. It is more than a bit surprising that there isn’t more flack about how the French can buy an iPhone without ties to a carrier, but Americans can’t.  French consumers clearly have it better than US Consumers.  The French laws are better than American ones. Don’t get angry, call your congressman/woman. Ask them why the French have it better?