On March 18, 2020, a new drama television series is coming to Freeform, and it is titled Motherland: Fort Salem. The story is centered around three young women who are trained to become powerful weapons for the military.

From their training to their deployment, this sounds like a very intriguing premise. But there is more – these are no ordinary women, and this is no ordinary setting: They are magical and are part of a female-dominated world, as the persecution of witches ended 300 years ago. Here is what we know so far and what we hope to see in this show.

Know: It Features Some Familiar Faces & Rising Stars

The main characters are Raelle (played by Taylor Hickson, an actress and singer-songwriter who was in Deadpool), Tally, Abigail Bellweather, Scylla, and Anacostia (played by Demetria McKinney from Tyler Perry’s House of Payne and the musical Dreamgirls).

Recurring stars include Kai Bradbury as Gerit, Lyne Renee as General Sarah Alder, Sarah Yarkin as Libba Swythe, and Bernadette Beck (who plays Peaches ‘N Cream on Riverdale) is listed out as a guest star. 

Hope: It Is Relatable

While not everyone can relate to being in the military or having magical powers, most TV shows usually feature at least one character that fans can relate to on some level. 

In this show, Raelle apparently has authority issues and lost her mother. Tally is described as kind and curious. Abigail is supposedly an alpha type who is anxious to be part of this army. Needless to say, it seems like there will be plenty to relate to with this cast.

Know: It Has Will Ferrell As An Executive Producer

The first season, which is coming soon, will be made up of 10 episodes. The creator is Eliot Laurence, who is also an executive producer. Other executive producers of the show include Adam McKay, Kevin Messick, Maria Maggenti, Steven Adelson (who directed the pilot) and Will Ferrell. Yes, that is the Will Ferrell that is being mentioned here. How cool is that?

Hope: It Is Dramatic & Exciting, Yet Easy To Follow

New TV shows pop up all the time, and there are so many factors to consider when thinking about what makes a show a hit or a miss. First off, the story needs to be interesting, and this certainly has tons of potential with its futuristic setting and historical ties. The cast needs to be great, and we are already excited to see all of these stars on the screen. 

But even with all the right pieces, that first episode has to draw in and wow people. All of the behind-the-scenes work has to come together perfectly for something that is interesting yet easy to follow, leaving fans wanting more.  

Know: It Focuses On Girl Power

Obviously, this series is focused on the ladies, and if the trailer had to be summed up, we would say it was all about girl power. These are strong and smart women who are facing huge struggles and issues. They are the ones who must solve current problems and fight for the country, banding together as sisters. 

Plus, in this made-up world, the persecution of witches ended 300 years ago, thanks to an agreement that was made with the government. This part of the story seems truly inspired, and we can’t wait to see how these powerful female characters operate within its premise! 

Hope: It Makes It To Season 2

As mentioned, it can be hard for a TV show to be a true success, but we want every creative project to go as far as it can – especially one that sounds this thrilling.

But there is another big reason we are already thinking about the second season of Motherland: Fort Salem: Creator Eliot Laurence said “we’re not going to see a ton of Salem in season 1,” but that they “have plans to bring that into the following season.”

Know: It Will Flip Gender Roles

To elaborate on some of the previous points, this show will feature a world led by women, as they are the ones fighting on the front lines. 

Recently, more female-focused stories have been trending and releasing, as even some movie remakes have starred all-female casts (like Ocean’s 8and Ghostbusters). Furthermore, these leading ladies all have supernatural tactics and weapons, making the show even more intriguing.

Hope: It Does Not Get Too Stuck On Any One Point

A series about magic? Cool. A story set in an altered future? Interesting. Featuring a bunch of characters totally shaking up traditional gender roles? We love it. 

These elements, individually, make us even more excited for Motherland: Fort Salem, and all together, they provide so much for audiences to look forward to. However, if there is too much magic (or not enough, conversely), or too much emphasis on the women as a group (which may leave no room for character development), it may upset the balance the show needs in order to engage a wider audience.

Know: It Will Not Use The Word Magic

The main characters in this story are powerful, but this is not Charmed or Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina. In fact, the word “magic” apparently is not going to be said or heard on the show at all!

Instead, it’s just another aspect of the ladies’ job, so to speak – the thing they put everything into, an intrinsic part of their livelihoods. It will be neat to see that play out and to see if this is indeed true. 

Hope: It Isn’t Just Another Witch Story

Let’s play devil’s advocate here: This is clearly not like other witch-based series and films that have come out, being primarily focused on the women and the military application of their supernatural gifts (and so much more). Still, when stories of good versus evil are playing out, things can get a little repetitive.

With Motherland: Fort Salem, we are not too worried; it has a range of cast members, a bright and well-known team, a one-of-a-kind story, enough excitement to keep it all going for quite some time, and an underlying tone of sisterhood and girl power. It certainly has the makings of something amazing, and we can’t wait to see how it pans out.